17 February, 2008


Favourite Lyrics #1

There are lots of song lyrics I really like for all the wrong reasons. I'm going to post them as I remember/hear them. Partly because I think more people should appreciate them and partly so I don't forget how hilariously bad some of the pop music lyrics are before they disappear into our embarrassing musical history.

My first lyrical post is quite new to the radio: When the Sun Goes Down by the Arctic Monkeys. The Arctic Monkeys are one of those bands that annoy me. I really wanted them to be good because I liked the way the buzz built up and I did like the first track into the charts (possibly because I like dancing to electro-pop, like a robot from 1984), but after listening to a whole album of the same track, I'm just not getting it. I feel like they owe me. So does Amy Winehouse. I won't start on Amy Winehouse and how she ruins some pretty nice tracks by opening her trap, or how she really ought to be better at the artist half of "tortured artist".

But back to the lyric:

Look, here comes a Ford Mondeo

Isn't he Mr. Inconspicuous

And he doesn't even have to say owt

She's in the stance ready to get picked up

Why do I like it so much? Rhyming "mondeo" with "say nothing". Amazing.

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