21 July, 2010


People aren't that mean after all

The "pay what you want" scheme sells well, but with low average price. Fixed price with charity donation has little effect. But "pay what you like" with 50% going to charity works really well: http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/notrocketscience/2010/07/15/caring-with-cash-or-how-radiohead-could-have-made-more-money/

19 July, 2010


New org-mode first impression

OK, I've got my pop-up org-remember, oops, org-capture working again. I'm also using the new feature that allows me to drop items into a table. This is just perfect. I use an org file containing a table of numbered files in my cabinet. Combine that with a couple of local evals in the header that deals with magically incremental numbering and I'm a filing ninja.

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New org! Remember mode out, org-capture in.

Yup. New org. Babel is integrated, org-capture replaces remember. It can show symbols in-line nicely. Happy day!

See here. And don't forget to use org-track to make it all nice and easy.

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